Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Couldn't Resist....

Normal service (well, what passes for normal) is resumed. After drying up over the course of a long and somewhat distracting summer, the executives at SongsWithoutWhich Towers have decided that enough outrageously good music has been created in the last 50 years that it would be churlish, nay miserly of us not to continue to bring it to your attention.

The select few of you who follow links will know that I've occasionally contributed to the very eclectic Music to Grow Old To as well. And if I can (ka-tish) do it there, I can do it (ka-tish) anywhere.

It also reflects the belated discovery of YouTube around these here parts, and the realization that it is the work of a moment to embed a video of a particularly fine song so that you, dear reader, can listen, watch AND read at the same time! Assuming, of course, that you're all women, because we all know that men can't multi-task.

On with the music.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frank here from

Couldn't find an email address, so contacting you here...

Just to a) thank you for displaying the toons on your site and b) to let you know we're not making the cartoons regularly anymore, so the feed won't be updating. :(

If you are removing the feed from your site, we'd humbly request a link to BifSniff, either to the cartoons archive or the main blog homepage...

many, many thanks,